Top 10 Most Haunted Places in Night

  Haunted Places  By Aryan There are a ton of places in this worlds that are just too dangerous haunted or Airy to visit most of these places on our list have been cut off from the outside world but somehow people still manage to find a way in but if you value your life in your sanity you should never ever visit these places especially after dark house. Here the most Haunted Places in Dark you should never visit so let's get start: 10.The Island of the Dolls I'm a little curious about but take a look at this it looks like a scene from a horror movie hundreds of dolls strung up and hanging from trees Anastasi owes Uncle started collecting these dolls 50 years ago after he found the body of a young girl who drowned on these shores if you don't enjoy creepy you worn out looking dolls hanging from trees then this is definitely not the place for you just south of Mexico City. There's a small island with an incredible sad backstory it is dedicated to the lost soul of an unf

Top 10 Weirdest Family in World

 Unusual Family in World 


Everyone's family is different some families are your typical family while others are a bit of many people think that their family is perfectly normal but others would disagree there are other families that are very unusual and may know it you are about to find out more about these families here are the 10 most unusual families in the world.

1.Zeona China

Family Zeona China is the head of the largest family in the world most families would be considered large if there was a mother a father and seven children. Leona's family far exceeds an average family the owner is the head of the family and he has 39 wives 91 sons 14 daughters-in-law and 33 grandchildren zeona and his entire family live in a four-story mansion with hundred rooms located in the hills of india the community where the family lives allow a man to have as many wives as he likes zeona keeps the younger wives close to his bedroom while the older ones sleep further away zeona is very strict.

When it comes to his family and everyone has responsibilities according to one of his daughters in law zeona is the most attractiv man in th village and he is the center of the entire families world one of Zhi ona's wives says that the family gets along so well because everyone has mutual respect for one another zeona has allowed his sons and let his grandsons to marry as many women as they like he believes that being able to take care of such a large family is a blessing from God most people would find this way of life strange but all of the members of the China family believe they are blessed to be part of such a wonderful family.

2.The Russell family

Terri Lynn is the matriarch of the family and she is a real-life Rapunzel she and her three daughters all have a condition that causes their hair to grow constantly Terri and her daughter's have hair that is at least 74 inches which is twice as long as the average woman's hair it is a genetic condition that causes Terry's hair to grow so much and she passed the condition on to all three of her daughters it is expected that their hair will continue growing at this fast rate for at least 10 years Terri says that washing her hair is difficult when her hair gets wet it gets very heavy and drags her body to the floor to wash it thoroughly.

she has to kneel in the bathtub which isn't always easy her oldest daughter who is 11 years old his hair that he's 36 and 3/4 inches long her nine-year-old daughter has hair that is 36 inches long when each member of the family washes their hair they use at least a quarter of the bottle of conditioner to keep it looking shiny and prevent it from tangling the average woman pours conditioner about the size of a half dollar in their hand many women would kill to have this genetic condition.

Terri says that she and her daughters are blessed but having such long hair can be a hassle from time to time.

3.The Kulkarni's Family

Every member of this family is so tall that they are never able to use public transportation to get around easily the family rides scooters the family is the tallest in India and they are about to set a new world record for being the tallest family in the world Sharad is 52 years old and he is 7 feet 1.5 inches tall his wife is 46 years old and she is 6 feet 2 point 6 inches tall the couple has a 22 year old daughter named rouga and she is 6 feet 1 inch tall their other daughter Sonya is 16 years old and she is 6 feet 4 inches tall and still growing.

when you combine the whole family's height it would equal 26 feet in India's version of the Guinness Book of World Records the Limca Book of World Records the couple has earned the honor of being the tallest couple in India they took the title when they got married in 1989 they were very close to being in the Guinness Book of World Records also but Wayne and Lori how Quist from stockton california took the title with a combined height of 13 feet 4 inches mr. Cole caranas reached 7 feet when he was just 17 and says that he and his family were off mocked by their fellow villagers for their height to live in their home comfortably the family had to make some changes they changed the door frames from 6 feet to 8 feet so they could avoid hemming their heads when walking in and out of a room everything inside the home is customized for their height including.

Their beds dressers and even the toilet being so tall can be difficult at times but the family says they are proud of who they are.

4.The vampire family

Thanks to the Twilight series being a vampire is desirable these days who wouldn't want to be Robert Pattinson people all over the world now love vampires rather than fearing them but this family has taken the whole vampire thing to a new extent we an ro can call.

Themselves vampires because they drink each other's blood once a week they even shoot videos of themselves drinking the blood both Weir and ro dressed only in black to further their vampire appearance the couple says that drinking each other's blood is very intimate and he's more intimate than sex both Lia and ro were goth and it was the turned lea into a vampire.

They were only dating for a few months when ro proposed and Lea says that if she goes without drinking blood for an extended period of time that she feels weak they say that drinking each other's blood is a way to connect on the deepest level possible.

5.Brittany and ABI Hensel

Brittany and Abby are conjoined twins and they are determined to live a normal life just like everyone else the twins attended a regular high school and went off to college today they have jobs that allow them to support.

Themselves financially they are from Minnesota and graduated from the FEL University before getting jobs as teachers in a primary school both teachers have their own teaching license but they received just one salary for both of them to share Brittany and Abby believe that they deserve two salaries because they have different ideas different teaching methods and their own teaching degrees the twins know each other so well that they finish each other sentences they were also very supportive one another the twins have two sets of lungs two hearts and two stomachs they share a liver a large intestine and a reproductive system Abby controls the right side of their body and Brittany controls the left side Abby is the taller sister standing at five feet two in and Brittany is four feet ten inches tall.

There are role models for the children they teach at school and one day they hope to have a family of their own many people look at the twins and think their lives are a daily struggle but Brittany and Abby say that they are blessed to have each other.

6.The bread family

Scotland and there are 10 boys and one girl mom Alexis gets up at 5:30 a.m. to shower and get ready for the day dad David is 43 years old and he drives to Train his job has him working very inflexible shifts leaving Alexis to do much of the work around the house David was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease five years ago but he still helps out with the kids and even cooks dinner on occasion.

when Alexis does have some time to herself she doesn't spend on the couch watching TV instead she goes to the gym to remain fit alexis says the key to caring for such a large family lies in having a routine she says that she is able to get things done because she doesn't let herself get stressed when their youngest child a daughter was born.

The couple was shocked after having ten boys they didn't think having a daughter was in the cards but when it happened the family was thrilled many parents struggle at times with just two and three children can you imagine having 11.

7.The deeps family

This family is very unusual John Deeb's left his family when his daughter was only a year old it wasn't until 30 years later that he was reunited with his family this isn't the unusual part what makes this family so unique is that when John reunited with his daughter.

They became a couple and started a family of their own John's daughter Jenny was 31 years old. when she was reunited with her father she already had two children from previous marriage when she met her father. Jenny fell in love with him and they had two children together in 2009 they separated after they admitted to incest the judge put them on a good behavior bond.

which was why they were forced to separate they say they now live like a typical family as father and daughter there are many people who disagree with the fact that this father and daughter started a family together but Jenny says that the heart wants what the heart wants.

8.The Grind's on EULA's Family

This family is from Turkey what makes them so
much more different than your typical family is the way they walk the children in the family don't just walk on their legs but they also walk on their hands.

Their method of walking is called
bear-crawl and they were introduced to the world by a Turkish biologist the reason the family walks all forest is that they have very poor vision and cannot see well enough to walk on just two legs according to the biologists the
family has a genetic mutation on the number 17 chromosome the mutation affects the part of the brain called the cerebellum.

Which is responsible for body balance the family does what they can to live happily but sadly people in the village often mock them for the way they walk.

9.The Bannon family

Linda Bannon and her son tinea from Chicago Illinois they were both born with holt arm syndrome this is a genetic condition that affects the upper limbs in the heart.
Linda was the only one of the children in her family to be born without arms and she was treated the same way as her other siblings her parents wanted to make sure that Linda had the same opportunities as her siblings when the son Timmy was born in 2005 and when he was 8 years old.

He had open-heart surgery the doctors prognosis wasn't good but after spending a few months in the intensive care unit timmy was able to go home Linda and Timmy used their feet to handle everyday tasks like brushing their teeth or their hair Timmy and Linda are both excellent swimmers and Timmy was on his school's swimming team when he turned 14.

He joined the school's football team as a
kicker the family is well known because
they have a disability but they don't
let it stop them from doing the things
they love.

10.The bunker family

Chang'an dank bunker or conjoined twins also known as the Siamese twins the twins were born inThailand and in 1829.

They moved to the United States when they arrived in the US they became very well known after they started working in freak shows people didn't mock the brothers and they were very interested in the twins ended up leaving.

The freakshow after being tortured regularly by their manager in 1839 they were well-off financially and they both got married their families lived in separate houses and they would stay at one home for a week and then the next for a week Chang passed away from a cerebral blood clot and Aang survived for just a few hours after his brothers passing the doctor said that Aang's cause of death was unknown.


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