Top 10 Most Haunted Places in Night

 Haunted Places 

Top 10 Most Haunted Places in Night

By Aryan

There are a ton of places in this worlds that are just too dangerous haunted or Airy to visit most of these places on our list have been cut off from the outside world but somehow people still manage to find a way in but if you value your life in your sanity you should never ever visit these places especially after dark house.

Here the most Haunted Places in Dark you should never visit so let's get start:

10.The Island of the Dolls

I'm a little curious about but take a look at this it looks like a scene from a horror movie hundreds of dolls strung up and hanging from trees Anastasi owes Uncle started collecting these dolls 50 years ago after he found the body of a young girl who drowned on these shores if you don't enjoy creepy you worn out looking dolls hanging from trees then this is definitely not the place for you just south of Mexico City.

There's a small island with an incredible sad backstory it is dedicated to the lost soul of an unfortunate girl who died under unusual circumstances apparently these dolls were hung because people claimed that they were being haunted by the spirit of a little girl so they started to hang dolls in an attempt to please her spirit but could you imagine an island that is full of terrifying dolls with severed limbs and decapitated heads I wouldn't even want to visit this island in the daytime let alone at night this is a little bit too extreme.

9.Warren Museum

Haunts us in at number nine yeah you guessed it this is the place where haunted artifacts are put on display for the world to enjoy and for me to be terrified all of these artifacts belonged to paranormal investigators ed and Lorraine Warren and has believed that these items are some of the most haunted things on this earth so what exactly is at this Museum well the infamous Annabelle doll is housed behind a glass case and is believed that this doll can cause serious harm to a person so that's why it's hidden away in protection for us not for the tall.

Then we have the wedding dress apparently anyone who puts this on will murder their fiance and then we have the conjuring a mirror the famous mirror but those are just a few of the haunted artifacts that you can find there and trust me you definitely don't want to find yourself in the museum after dark who knows what these haunted items are capable of doing.

8.Linkin Park

Baltimore brings us to number eight apparently if you were to dig a hole in this park you will probably stumble across a dead body since 1946 at least 79 bodies have been found in this park which is absolutely insane because of its numerous accesses to roads lack of maintenance and ton of hidden areas off of the regular path this park has become a popular place to hide dead bodies.

If there's even a website that is dedicated to mapping out the locations where the bodies have been found and what happened to each one of the victims so I can confidently say that this is a place that you do not want to visit at night because you never know who you might run into and maybe you'll become the next body that gets buried.

7.The Union Cemetery

Connecticut's USA locals say that this is the most haunted cemetery in Connecticut but it can also be argued that it's. The most haunted cemetery in the USA according to the local legends the most famous ghost that haunts these grounds is the white lady lots of people have been able to take pictures of her and they all look the same kid long dark hair and wears a bonnet and nightgown.

She can mostly be found roaming the roads and she likes to be hit by oncoming vehicles to give that person a good scare in 1993 a man hits a lady and he heard a massive thud when he went out of his car to check the situation he saw a huge dent in his car and the woman appeared in front of him the cemetery is locked at night and it's actually patrolled by the police so yeah I would say that's probably for the best.

6.Devils pool

Queensland Australia well at first glance this river looks pretty nice well you would be sadly mistaken this natural pool is situated between massive boulders and it's thought to have been cursed by an Aboriginal woman.

Who tragically drowned herself after her husband was taken away from her ever since it's been estimated that 17 other people have lost their lives here either from falling or getting caught in the fast current apparently it is so strong that it can easily trap people.

5.State Penitentiary

Pennsylvania USA this former prison was built in 1829 and it's infamously known to be the first prison then introduced solitary confinement prisoners would be sent here to be completely isolated and whenever they left their self a black hood will be placed over their head to ensure.

That they didn't have any interactions with anyone else due to this prisons harsh approach many prisoners went insane and solitary confinement was actually removed there in 1913 but ever since then reports of heavily paranormal activities have been a common thing from shadowy figures evil cackling and ghostly faces this prison is sure to terrify anyone who steps foot inside.

4.The mines of Paris

Crashes in at number four these underground tunnels shouldn't be confused with the Paris catacombs these tunnels are not open to the public and exploring the mines is illegal because it is so dangerous the tunnels are not regulated they aren't patrolled and they are super unsafe but that still doesn't stop people from going inside of it legend has it.

That cults and strange creatures can be found in the mines and there might even be a gateway to hell down there the tunnel stretch 600 kilometers underground and most of the tunnels are not on any map so saying that it is extremely easy to get lost down there some hallways are even flooded and they're so narrow that you can't even go through them this place is a labyrinth and it is rumoured that if you go down there you can hear people screaming for help.


Italy is at number 3 on our list this place is probably one of the most illegal places someone should ever visit this island is located off of the coast of northern Italy near Venice but don't be fooled this little island isn't a romantic destination it has a very dark past pro figlia I'm not even sure if I'm pronouncing the name right but I'm trying my best on this one but it used to be the home to thousands of refugees black plague victims and the island acted as a quarantine so with all of that being said.

That this island is believed to be extremely haunted and apparently you can still hear the screams of the victims here the abandoned Asylum is also said to be filled with ghosts of patients that were abused there so if you're ever in Italy just stick to the popular tourist spots like Roma Venice don't visit the island or else you will seriously regret.

2.The Cecil Hotel

Los Angeles in case you were ever considering staying at the Cecil Hotel here are a few reasons why you should reconsider you know staying at multi late and stay this hotel has been the site of many gruesome suicides and murders a crazy number of guests have mysteriously died including one woman who is later found dead on the roof of the hotel after riding in an elevator alone oh and several serial killers have stayed.

There while they were on a killing spree so you can literally be sleeping in a room next to a serial killer all of these incidents forced the owner to change the name of the hotel to stay on main but regardless of name this is definitely a place that you never want to check into because you may never check out and now top your list and number one we have the suicide forest in Japan known as a place that you go to but never come back from aka.

1.The forest of suicide

Forest that logan paul himself made famous he went in as a like youtuber and came out hated so it's estimated that a hundred people a year committed suicide there and for this reason a lot of people believe that this forest is haunted the suicide forest is so thick and dense some people use guide wire to avoid getting lost well that's because if you can't get out no one will be able to hear your screams it should also be noted that if you go off the path you will most likely stumble across a dead body - cane bones or other dark human remains either way I would stay far away from this place especially at nighttime.

Thank you,


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