Top 10 Most Haunted Places in Night

  Haunted Places  By Aryan There are a ton of places in this worlds that are just too dangerous haunted or Airy to visit most of these places on our list have been cut off from the outside world but somehow people still manage to find a way in but if you value your life in your sanity you should never ever visit these places especially after dark house. Here the most Haunted Places in Dark you should never visit so let's get start: 10.The Island of the Dolls I'm a little curious about but take a look at this it looks like a scene from a horror movie hundreds of dolls strung up and hanging from trees Anastasi owes Uncle started collecting these dolls 50 years ago after he found the body of a young girl who drowned on these shores if you don't enjoy creepy you worn out looking dolls hanging from trees then this is definitely not the place for you just south of Mexico City. There's a small island with an incredible sad backstory it is dedicated to the lost soul of an unf

Top 10 Shocking Facts About Women that Blow your Mind

 Shocking Facts About Women

Top 10 shocking facts about Women

By Aryan

Hey guys what's up it's Aryan here and today we're going to be looking at ten shocking facts about women so these are some amazing and sometimes shocking facts about women and some of these I had no clue about but they're all backed up by scientific research so guys be so coming in at number 10 and we have

Here are some interesting Facts about Women that Blow your mind:

1.Vaginal weight

Lifting do you even lift no well many women's vaginas do that's right there's actually a sport called vagina weight lifting.

It's a muscle training exercise that they uses the contraction of pelvic floor muscles to lift objects such as stones weights and sometimes even kettlebells how it works is women use something called a vagina cone.

which is an egg-shaped piece of plastic attached to a string and on the other end of the string is a bag then in that bag you put stones or just have weights without the bag if you're really good the world record for vagina weight lifting is held by a woman named titania Kozhevnikova who did lifted a 14 kilogram kettlebell with her vagina.


So as to common stereotype in films and people's views that men are more likely to have an affair however a recent study has shown that women are far more likely to have an affair than men from a test including thousands of men and women seven in 10 females admitted that.

They would have an affair if they could get away with it while just 2 in 10 men said that they would have an affair if they knew that they get away with it and what's even more shocking is that a third of women claimed to have had a minor indiscretion happened by accident because of flirting gone too far.

which is basically code for minor cheating like kissing and maybe even other things.

3.Toilet Use

So while most women sit on the toilet to do their business the natural position for women to go to the toilet is actually different to men's because women have something called a hub or rect Alice.

That men don't have and because of this it can actually choke the rectum and be bad for women's health so the way women should naturally go to the toilet is by squatting so that their poverty callused doesn't get crushed and the muscle is more relaxed but obviously it's not always easy to squat.

4.Childbirth Deaths

So this is another really concerning one because of how serious this is not after giving you guys the facts on this one.

I'll let you know how you can help so. I'm sure you guys know about women who died giving birth to children and it used to be something that happened a lot in the Western world but it rarely happens in the West of the world.

Now so some people forget it happens at all but
did you know that every 90 seconds a
woman dies from giving birth.

4.High Heels

So when you think of high heels you probably think of women and I don't blame you we see today's most prominent women wearing high heels the whole time.

I'm sure what most of you guys don't know is that when high heels were made in 1670 they were actually made for men and if you think just a few olden days weird guys were going around in these well no they were only reallworn by men who were rich landowners.

5.All boys are girl 

1 so this is going to blow your mind and it may sound stupid to say it first but this is scientifically proven but you me your dad your boyfriend well any man was originally a woman because after you're conceived something called the fetus is created.

which is basically a miniature baby that hasn't fully developed yet and in case you guys don't know we all have two chromosomes that which are either X or Y and if you have to have the same chromosomes a venule woman and if you have two different chromosomes.

Then you're a man anyway while you're being conceived in the fetus state well you do have two chromosomes two but they'll both be the same it's actually six to eight weeks later when your body will either stay with the two same chromosomes.


So if any of you are women and you've got a boyfriend husband or male friend B complains about you talking too much well I just got you off the hook with this fact because it's scientifically proven that women do talk more than men women speak from 20,000 words per day and men speak around 7,000 words per day.


So this isn't a good fact to learn if you're a woman because research shows that women have far more nightmares than men and they found out that even though men and women's behavior in dreams is pretty similar most often they're helping other characters in the dream but what happened in women's dreams was war about family member.

Negative emotions and less physical aggression while ministry much more about sexual activities such as sexual fantasies but you may be asking with women streams about family how its family of related to nightmares well it's often worrying about family members for example losing a child or having your partner die.


So this is quite a sad fact but it's also pretty shocking so I had to include it but it turns out that women are much more prone to suicides than men sixty percent more likely in fact and apparently a study.

Where a psychologist interviewed many depressed women who had tried to commit suicide said women have pressures of not only being a successful woman but also a successful mother and women often have to leave work for their kids and women's.

Thank you,


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