Top 10 Most Haunted Places in Night

  Haunted Places  By Aryan There are a ton of places in this worlds that are just too dangerous haunted or Airy to visit most of these places on our list have been cut off from the outside world but somehow people still manage to find a way in but if you value your life in your sanity you should never ever visit these places especially after dark house. Here the most Haunted Places in Dark you should never visit so let's get start: 10.The Island of the Dolls I'm a little curious about but take a look at this it looks like a scene from a horror movie hundreds of dolls strung up and hanging from trees Anastasi owes Uncle started collecting these dolls 50 years ago after he found the body of a young girl who drowned on these shores if you don't enjoy creepy you worn out looking dolls hanging from trees then this is definitely not the place for you just south of Mexico City. There's a small island with an incredible sad backstory it is dedicated to the lost soul of an unf

Top 10 Scary things on Google

Scary Things 

By Aryan

Hello and welcome back to the Most Amazing
Channel on the Internet.The Top 10 Scary Things You Should Never Google What is the scariest thing you have ever googled? Honestly, I have included all of them on this
list.I don't want people to make the same mistakes I have Before we get into this list, why dont you
guys let us know what is the worst thing you have ever seen on the internet, it doesn't
have to be scary.


Thats the name of a parasite that is found in
most tropical countries - they measure only 1mm in size but this is the damage they can cause. The tiny flea burrows into exposed skin on peoples feet. They then stay there for two weeks laying eggs and causing the feet to swell. The condition is called Tungiasis and to many it looks like a normal blister with a central black dot - the dot is actually the end of the flea sticking out so it can breathe.

9.Dark Web

I feel like you absolutely should not mess with the dark web at all costs, it is just too risky.
The dark web is called the dark web for a reason; it is filled with dark people. People who use the dark web tend to use it for illicit goings on like drugs deals or the hiring of assassins. Now, I have never been on the dark web, the closest I have ever got is 4Chan. I have to take it from those who have visited that it isn't a nice place. According to articles on various national news publications, the dark web is a place where you can access murder live streams...which...well... would really rather not. Luckily you can't just stumble on to the
dark web, you need to access it via a torrent.

8.Simulation Argument

Moving on to number we have The Simulation Argument. Earlier on I talked about something that can make you physically hurt you but this one may hurt you mentally. To put it simply, a number of physicists and other intellectuals have proposed a theory that all of reality, the earth, our galaxy, the entire universe - is actually an artificial simulation. Essentially, its a logic argument. There are 3 scenarios that could unfold for humanity ) our species dies out before developing advanced technology.

7.Spontaneous Combustion

Like, you are just living your life and you catch fire, burn and die? This is one extra thing that I just don't need to worry about. Spontaneous Human Combustion is a rare phenomeno where living or recently deceased human catches fire without an apparent source of ignition. YES this would be an extremely inappropriate time for KELLYs Ignition Remix to pop into your head anyway...combustion. 

6.Calculus Bridge

Next up now at number we have a Calculus Bridge. This might sound like a creepy old bridge but its much worse. Brace yourself - this is Calculus Bridge - how bad does that look. I feel so bad for the people who have this - but what exactly is it? Essentially, its a build up of tartar - the yellowish deposit of minerals that forms on the tooths surface as a result of pre existing plaque that has hardened. It can happen in just a few weeks. Eventually, the plaque develops into calculun when the constant accumulation of moderals from saliva adheres itself to the plaque. Once this Calculus Bridge forms - it can be painful and unsightly - but theres actually even more of a pressing conern. 

5.MH17 Aftermath

Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down on the 17th July 2014, just 4 months after Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 was lost after taking off from Kuala Lumpa Airport, making
2014 the worst year for Aviation in ten years. The crash of this plane was extremely high profile and so far as the current evidence points, it was downed by a Russian Military Missile as it flew over the Ukriane. All 283 passengers and 15 crew members on board were killed. 

4.Ed Gein Leather

Ed Gein was the notorious murderer who inspired the movies Psycho and Texas Chainsaw Massacre, AKA two of the scariest movies of all time ever and well he is real. So Gein was criminally insane but for a long time he was living without any attention directed at him in Plainfield Winsconsin. Gein admitted to killing two women in the mid 1950s, a pub owner and a hardware store owner.
 What he also did was dig up corpses from local graveyard and what he did with the bodies was a true atrocity. After his second murder was traced back to him, police officers went to Gein's home and what they found is something no human wishes to see. 

3.Body Farm

If youve ever watched a crime show on TV, you know the bit where they analyse a body to figure out how long the person is dead for. That knowledge doesnt come from nowhere, it comes from places like a Body Farm. A body farm is where people donate their bodies to science so that scientists can study how they decompose. The pictures youre seeing now comes from The Forensic Anthropology Centre at Texas State University.
 The information they gather here can be used in a court of law and some of the researchers have even been called up to give evidence in murder trials. They also specialise in facial reconstruction. By studying how a face decomposes, they can then recreate what a decomposed face would have looked like. 

2.Hammer Murderers

The hammer murders of the Ukraine are a true abomination you don't want to know about much less see. I'll give you the basics so you don't 
feel like googling it ever. The Dnepropetrovsk maniacs are serial killers who were behind a gory spate of murders between June and July 2007. 
 Their names are Viktor Sayenko and Igor Suprunyuk and in little over three weeks they managed to kill 21 people without order or motive they ranged from children, to the elderly. The pair seemed to love Nazism and bloodshed they killed their victims with hammers and used their blood to paint swastikas. 

1.The Murder of Tim McLean

Moving on now to number we have The Murder of Tim McClean. Even for those of you with a morbid fascination with crime might find this one a bit too much. In 2008, a Canadian called Tim McClean was returning home to Manitoba after working at a fair in Alberta. He boarded a greyhound bus - after 7 hours the bus picked up a new passenger, Vince Weiguang Li. The 40 year old Chinese Canadian man was described as having a shaved head and wearing sunglasses.

Originally he sat near the front of the bus but then moved further back to sit next to Tim. By this point, Tim fell asleep against the window with headphones covering his ears. Soon after, Li produced a large knife and began stabbing Tim in the neck and chest. The bus driver pulled to the side of the road so that he and other passenger could get off.


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