Top 10 Most Haunted Places in Night

  Haunted Places  By Aryan There are a ton of places in this worlds that are just too dangerous haunted or Airy to visit most of these places on our list have been cut off from the outside world but somehow people still manage to find a way in but if you value your life in your sanity you should never ever visit these places especially after dark house. Here the most Haunted Places in Dark you should never visit so let's get start: 10.The Island of the Dolls I'm a little curious about but take a look at this it looks like a scene from a horror movie hundreds of dolls strung up and hanging from trees Anastasi owes Uncle started collecting these dolls 50 years ago after he found the body of a young girl who drowned on these shores if you don't enjoy creepy you worn out looking dolls hanging from trees then this is definitely not the place for you just south of Mexico City. There's a small island with an incredible sad backstory it is dedicated to the lost soul of an unf

Healthy Food for Weight Loss

Healthy Food for Weight Loss in Month 

Not all calories are created equal.

Different foods pass through different body systems in your body.

They can have very different effects on your hunger, hormones and the number of calories you burn.

Here are 20 of the world's most scientifically healthy weight-loss food.

Healthy Food For Weight loss 

1. Perfect Eggs

Once threatened with high cholesterol, whole eggs come back.

Although eating a lot of eggs raises the “bad” levels of LDL-cholesterol in some people, they have some of the best foods you can eat if you need to lose weight. They are high in protein and fat, and they are very saturated.

One study of over 30 obese women showed that eating eggs for breakfast, instead of bagels, increased feelings of fullness (satiety) and caused participants to eat less for the next 36 hours (3Trusted Source).

Another eight-week study found that eggs at breakfast increased weight loss in calories in a balanced diet, compared to bagels (4Trusted Source).

Eggs are also extremely dense and can help you get all the nutrients you need from a calorie-restricted diet. Interestingly, almost all the nutrients are found in the skin.


Eggs are very rich and nutritious. Compared to refined carbs such as bagels, eggs can reduce appetite later in the day and may even promote weight loss.


 2. Leafy Greens

Leafy greens include kale, spinach, collards, swiss chards and a few others.

They have several properties that make them perfect for a weight loss diet, such as being low in calories and carbohydrates and loaded with fiber.

Eating leafy greens is a great way to increase the volume of your meals, without increasing the calories. Numerous studies show that meals and diets with a low energy density make people eat fewer calories overall (5Trusted Source).

Leafy greens are also incredibly nutritious and very high in many vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, including calcium, which has been shown to aid fat burning in some studies (6Trusted Source).

Leafy vegetables are an excellent addition to your weight loss diet. Not only do they have low calories but they also have high fiber which helps keep you feeling full.


Fatty fish like salmon are incredibly healthy and very satisfying, keeping you full for many hours with fewer calories.

Salmon is loaded with high quality protein, healthy fats and a variety of essential nutrients.

Fish - and seafood as a whole - can also provide large amounts of iodine.

This ingredient is essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, which is essential for keeping your metabolism healthy (7Trusted Source).

Studies show that a large number of people do not meet their iodine needs (Reliable Source 8).

Salmon is also loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to help reduce inflammation, which is known to play a major role in obesity and metabolic disorders (9Trusted Source, 10Trusted Source).

Mackerel, trout, sardines, herring and other types of oily fish are also excellent.


Salmon is high in both protein and omega-3 fatty acids, making it a good choice for a healthy weight loss diet.


 4. Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and sprouts in Brussels.

Like other vegetables, it is high in fiber and tends to be amazingly filling.

In addition, these types of vegetables often contain a good amount of protein.

They are less likely to be high in protein such as animal feed or legumes but are still high compared to most vegetables.

The combination of protein, fiber and low energy makes cruciferous vegetables a diet that should be included in your diet if you need to lose weight.

They are also very nutritious and contain anti-cancer properties (Reliable Source 11).


Cruciferous vegetables are low in calories but high in fiber and nutrients. Adding them to your diet is not only the best way to lose weight but it can also improve your whole life.

 5. Young Beef andChicken Chest

The flesh is demon-possessed unjustly.

Various health problems are suspected despite the lack of good evidence to support these negative claims.

Although the meat used is unhealthy, studies show that raw meat does not increase the risk of heart disease or diabetes (12Trusted Source, 13Trusted Source).

According to two major review studies, red meat has a much weaker link to cancer in men and no relationship at all to women (Source 14, Trust Source).

The fact is, meat is a weight loss supplement because it is high in protein.

Protein is the most nutritious ingredient, and eating a high-protein diet can make you burn up to 80-100 more calories a day (Reliable Source 17, Source 17, Source 18).

Studies have shown that increasing the protein you eat to 25-% of calories daily can reduce cravings by 60%, reduce your craving for light snacks at night and cause weight loss of one kilogram (0.45 kg) per week (Reliable Source, 20) ).

If you eat a low-carb diet, feel free to eat lean meat. However, if you are eating a balanced to high-carbohydrate diet, choosing lean meats may be more appropriate.


Eating unprocessed meat is a great way to increase your protein intake. Adding more carbs or fats to your diet with protein can make it easier for you to lose more fat.

 6. Boiled potatoes

White potatoes seem unattractive for some reason.

However, they have several areas that make them a complete diet - both for weight loss and good health.

They contain an amazing variety of elements - just a little bit of everything you need.

There have even been accounts of people who do not live on food without potatoes alone for a long time.

They are high in potassium, a nutrient that many people do not get enough of and that play a key role in regulating blood pressure.

On a scale called the Satiety Index, which measures how different food fillings are, white, boiled potatoes get the highest of all tested foods (Reliable Source 21).

This means that by eating white, boiled potatoes, you will naturally feel full and will not eat less of other foods.

If you allow the potatoes to cool down for a while after boiling, they will form a high amount of resistant starch, something like fiber that has been shown to have a variety of health benefits, including weight loss (Reliable Source 22).

Sweet potatoes, turnips and other root vegetables are also excellent.


Boiled potatoes are among the most filling foods. They are great for reducing your appetite, which may put pressure on the food you eat later in the day.

7. Tuna

Tuna is another low-calorie, high-protein food.
It’s lean fish, meaning it’s low in fat.
Tuna is popular among bodybuilders and fitness models who’re on a cut, as it’s a great way to increase protein intake while keeping total calories and fat low.
If you’re trying to emphasize protein intake, make sure to choose tuna canned in water, not oil.


Boiled potatoes are among the most filling foods. They are great for reducing your appetite, which may put pressure on the food you eat later in the day.

 8. Beans and Legumes

Some beans and other legumes can be beneficial for weight loss.

This includes lentils, black beans, kidney beans and some others.
These foods tend to be high in protein and fiber, which are two nutrients that have been shown to lead to satiety.
They also tend to contain some resistant starch.
The main problem is that a lot of people have difficulties tolerating legumes. For this reason, it’s important to prepare them properly.


Boiled potatoes are among the most filling foods. They are great for reducing your appetite, which may put pressure on the food you eat later in the day.

 9. Soups

As mentioned above, low-fat diets and foods often cause people to eat fewer calories.

Most low-energy foods are high in water, such as vegetables and fruits.

But you can also add water to your diet and make soup.

Some studies have shown that eating foods like that turned into soup rather than solid foods, making people feel more full and eating fewer calories (23Trusted Source, 24Trusted Source).

Just be sure not to add too much fat to your soup, such as cream or coconut milk, as this can greatly increase its calorie content.


Soups can be an effective part of weight loss diets. Their high water content makes them very filling. However, try to avoid creamy or oily soups.

 10. Cottage Cheese

Dairy products are usually high in protein.

Another good thing is cottage cheese, which is - low calorie - especially protein with very few carbs and low fat.

Eating cottage cheese is a great way to boost your protein diet. It is very saturated, making you feel full of low calorie count.

Dairy products are also high in calcium, which can help burn fat (Reliable Source 25).

Other low-fat, high-protein dairy products include Greek yogurt and butter.


Eating low-fat dairy products, such as cottage cheese, is one of the best ways to get more protein without increasing your calorie intake.

 11. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is incredibly popular in the natural health community.

It is often used in condiments such as dressings or vinaigrettes, and some people even mix it in water and drink it.

Several human studies suggest that apple cider vinegar may help to reduce weight.

Taking vinegar at the same time as a high-carb diet can increase feelings of fullness and cause people to consume 200-275 calories throughout the day (Reliable Source 27, Source by 27Trusted Source).

One 12-week study of obese people also showed that 15 or 30 ml of vinegar a day caused a decrease in 2.6-3.7 pounds, or 1.2-1.7 pounds (28Trusted Source).

Vinegar has also been shown to reduce sugar spikes after a meal, which can have various health effects in the future (29Trusted Source, 30Trusted Source).

You can find many varieties of apple cider vinegar on Amazon.


Adding apple cider vinegar to your vegetable salad can help reduce your diet, which can lead to significant weight loss.

 12. Nuts

Despite its high fat content, nuts are not as fat as you would expect.

They are a very simple diet, consisting of a moderate amount of protein, fiber and healthy fats.

Studies have shown that eating nuts can improve metabolic health and promote weight loss (31Trusted Source, 32Trusted Source).

In addition, human studies have shown that people who eat nuts are generally healthier and lose weight than those who do not (33Trusted Source).

Just be sure not to overdo it, as they still have very high calories. If you have a habit of binge drinking and eating large quantities of nuts, it may be best to avoid them.


Peanuts can make a healthy addition to an active weight loss diet when eaten in moderation.

 13. Complete Characters

Although the grain has gained a bad reputation in recent years, some varieties are quite healthy.

This includes some whole grains loaded with fiber and contains the right amount of protein.

Notable examples include oats, brown rice and quinoa.

Oats are loaded with beta-glucans, a soluble fiber that has been shown to increase appetite and improve metabolic health (34Trusted Source, 35Trusted Source).

Both brown and white rice can contain a large amount of starch resistant, especially if cooked and allowed to cool afterwards (Reliable Source 36).

Keep in mind that refined grains are not a healthy option, and sometimes foods with "whole grains" on this label are highly processed junk foods that are harmful and gain weight.

If you eat a low-carb diet, you will want to avoid whole grains, as they are high in carbs.

But there is nothing wrong with whole grains if you can tolerate them.


You should avoid pure grains if you are trying to lose weight. Choose whole grains instead - they are high in fiber and other nutrients.

 14. Fruit

Many health experts agree that fruits are healthy.

Numerous human studies have shown that people who eat more fruit (and vegetables) tend to be healthier than people who do not (41, 42Trust Source).

Of course, the combination is not the same as causation, so these studies show nothing. However, fruits contain substances that cause them to lose weight.

Although they contain natural sugars, they are less powerful and take longer to chew. Also, their fiber content helps prevent sugar from being quickly absorbed into your bloodstream

The only people who would like to avoid or reduce fruit are those who are on a very low carb, ketogenic diet or intolerant.

In many cases it can be an effective and delicious addition to a weight loss diet.


Although fruits contain sugar, you can easily incorporate them into a weight loss diet. They are high in fiber, antioxidants and various nutrients that reduce the growth of blood sugar after a meal.

 15. Grapes

One fruit that should be highlighted is the grapefruit. Its effects on weight control have been studied directly.

In a 12-week study of 91 obese people, eating half a new grapefruit before meals led to a weight loss of 1.6 pounds (1.6 kg) (Reliable Source 43).

The grape group also reduced insulin resistance, an abnormal immune system involved in various chronic diseases.

Therefore, eating half a grape about half an hour before your daily diet can help you feel full and eat fewer calories overall.


Studies show that grapefruit can reduce appetite and reduce calorie intake when eaten before meals. It is worth a try if you want to lose weight.

 16. Chia seeds

Chia seeds are among the most nutritious foods in the world.

They contain 12 grams of carbohydrates per ounce (28 grams), which is very high, but 11 of these grams are fiber.

This makes chia seeds a low-carb diet and one of the best sources of fiber in the world (44).

Due to its high fiber content, chia seeds can absorb up to 11-12 times its weight in water, change gels and grow in your stomach (45).

Although some studies have shown that chia seeds may help reduce appetite, they have not found a statistically significant effect on weight loss (46Trusted Source, 47).

However, given the nutrient composition, it makes sense that chia seeds can be a useful part of your weight loss diet.


Chia seeds are very high in fiber, which replenishes and reduces food intake. For this reason, they can be very helpful in weight loss diets.

 17. Full yogurt

Yogurt is one of the best dairy foods.

Certain types of yoghurt contain probiotic bacteria that can improve the functioning of your gut.

Having a healthy stomach can help prevent inflammation and resistance to leptin, which is one of the major causes of obesity hormones.

Be sure to choose yogurt for live, active cultures, as some types of yoghurt contain almost no probiotic.

Also, consider choosing a fat-filled yogurt. Studies show that saturated fat - but not low-fat milk - is associated with a reduced risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes over time (53).

Low-fat yogurt is usually loaded with sugar, so it’s best to avoid it.


Probiotic yogurt can boost your digestive health. Consider including it in your weight loss diet but be sure to avoid products that contain excess sugar.


It is easy to find healthy foods that you can include in weight loss diets.

This is mainly whole foods such as fish, lean meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and legumes.

Several processed foods, such as probiotic yoghurt, extra virgin olive oil and oatmeal are also excellent choices.

Along with moderation and regular exercise, eating these nutritious foods should pave the way for success and a healthy lifestyle.

Thank you, 



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