
Top 10 Most Haunted Places in Night

  Haunted Places  By Aryan There are a ton of places in this worlds that are just too dangerous haunted or Airy to visit most of these places on our list have been cut off from the outside world but somehow people still manage to find a way in but if you value your life in your sanity you should never ever visit these places especially after dark house. Here the most Haunted Places in Dark you should never visit so let's get start: 10.The Island of the Dolls I'm a little curious about but take a look at this it looks like a scene from a horror movie hundreds of dolls strung up and hanging from trees Anastasi owes Uncle started collecting these dolls 50 years ago after he found the body of a young girl who drowned on these shores if you don't enjoy creepy you worn out looking dolls hanging from trees then this is definitely not the place for you just south of Mexico City. There's a small island with an incredible sad backstory it is dedicated to the lost soul of an unf

Top 10 Scary things on Google

Scary Things  By Aryan Hello and welcome back to the Most Amazing Channel on the Internet.The Top 10 Scary Things You Should Never Google What is the scariest thing you have ever googled? Honestly, I have included all of them on this list.I don't want people to make the same mistakes I have Before we get into this list, why dont you guys let us know what is the worst thing you have ever seen on the internet, it doesn't have to be scary. 10.Jiggers Thats the name of a parasite that is found in most tropical countries - they measure only 1mm in size but this is the damage they can cause. The tiny flea burrows into exposed skin on peoples feet. They then stay there for two weeks laying eggs and causing the feet to swell. The condition is called Tungiasis and to many it looks like a normal blister with a central black dot - the dot is actually the end of the flea sticking out so it can breathe. 9.Dark Web I feel like you absolutely should not mess with the dark web at all costs,

Top 10 Scary TikTok Video

Scary Video On TikTok that Blow your Mind   By Aryan Something we love here at the archive is that  wherever the real a camera, you will find a something creepy waiting to be recorded.A The TikTok trend has opened a whole new door to the unknown that we can't wait to take a peek through. Whether it's a staged TikTok you dona  want to watch after dark or a makeup tutorial that a took a supernatural turn, today we're covering a  our picks of the Top 10 Scary TikTok videos! Here are Top Scary Video on TikTok so let's get start:  10. Dancing in the dark I imagine this woman just felt like  dancing to a song on TikTok at night  in her onesie. She gets on the counter, she  jams to her tune, and little does she know,  something is going on in the background.  In fact, she gets through the entire video  without knowing that she's actively recording some serious paranormal activity! It's not until after that she's like what just happened? Can you imagine? Take a go

Top 10 Shocking Facts About Women that Blow your Mind

  Shocking Facts About Women By Aryan Hey guys what's up it's Aryan here and today we're going to be looking at ten shocking facts about women so these are some amazing and sometimes shocking facts about women and some of these I had no clue about but they're all backed up by scientific research so guys be so coming in at number 10 and we have Here are some interesting Facts about Women that Blow your mind: 1.Vaginal weight Lifting do you even lift no well many women's vaginas do that's right there's actually a sport called vagina weight lifting. It's a muscle training exercise that they uses the contraction of pelvic floor muscles to lift objects such as stones weights and sometimes even kettlebells how it works is women use something called a vagina cone. which is an egg-shaped piece of plastic attached to a string and on the other end of the string is a bag then in that bag you put stones or just have weights without the bag if you're really goo

Top 10 Mythological Creatures that Actually Exists

  Mythological Creatures I used to taste your daddy who doesn't love a good story especially ones which involve unbelievable mythological creatures that you wouldn't remotely think are real but as history has proven there is a basis for which these creatures were brought up today we're going to be looking at ten mythical creatures that actually existed number one itself will make you question whether middle-earth was real or not so stay tuned for that one with all that said and done let's begin shall we number ten. Here Let's begin the journey of Mythological Creatures that Actually Exists: 1.Hobbits If you are even barely into pop culture you'd know what a hobbit is they're basically miniature humans who have furry feet and don't wear shoes and according to stories have a propensity to save the world from evil pieces of jewelry and also literally eat you out of house and home what you might not know is the fact that actual hobbits did exist but not qui

How to be Happy in Bad Times

  Happy In Difficult Times  By Aryan Chemical hormones are produced by various glands in your body. They walk in the blood, act as messengers and play a role in many bodily processes. One of these important tasks? Helping to control your emotions. There are different type of Hormone can help you Be Happy in Your Difficult Times.  These "pleasure hormones" include: Dopamine . Also known as the “good feeling” hormone, dopamine is a hormone and neurotransmitter that is an important part of your brain’s reward system. Dopamine is associated with pleasant emotions, as well as learning, memory, motor system function, and more. Serotonin . This hormone (and neurotransmitter) helps control your emotions and your sleep, appetite, digestion, reading ability and memory. Oxytocin. Often referred to as the "love hormone," oxytocin is essential for birth, breastfeeding, and the strong bond between parent and child. This hormone can also help promote trust, empathy, and commitment