Top 10 Most Haunted Places in Night

  Haunted Places  By Aryan There are a ton of places in this worlds that are just too dangerous haunted or Airy to visit most of these places on our list have been cut off from the outside world but somehow people still manage to find a way in but if you value your life in your sanity you should never ever visit these places especially after dark house. Here the most Haunted Places in Dark you should never visit so let's get start: 10.The Island of the Dolls I'm a little curious about but take a look at this it looks like a scene from a horror movie hundreds of dolls strung up and hanging from trees Anastasi owes Uncle started collecting these dolls 50 years ago after he found the body of a young girl who drowned on these shores if you don't enjoy creepy you worn out looking dolls hanging from trees then this is definitely not the place for you just south of Mexico City. There's a small island with an incredible sad backstory it is dedicated to the lost soul of an unf

Top 10 weirdest thing happen when you sleep

Weirdest thing happen when you Sleep

By Aryan

Hey guys what's up is Aryan here and today we're going to be looking at ten odd things that happen in your sleep. when you go to bed after a long day a lot of weird.

Things happened to you that you don't realize because you're asleep but with this article you'll be able to know exactly. what's happening to your body as you sleep but be warned a lot of these things are very bizarre so be sure.


I'm sure we've all heard of sleep that happens occasionally to certain people you know. when your brain is a weak and active like you can't speak or Weaver bone in your body well this is not that paralysis is actually something that happens to all of us when we're asleep you don't notice it as you're asleep but when you're sleeping is the muscles in your arms and legs are temporarily paralyzed our muscles tense up.

When our brain interactive as we're sleeping this effectively locks our muscles in place and causes them to restrict all movement in your arms and legs to pretty much nothing this happens to us all time to time and isn't dangerous or nothing to worry about but if this happens to you daily and he notice your arms and legs a particularly store after sleeping then you should check in with your physician as it could be a sign of narcolepsy.

2.Head syndrome

The name sounds scary but it really started to sound well yes unless your seasons war veteran this is a condition that happens to thousands of people every day in the United States alone. while your head doesn't literally explode like some kind of gory horror movie just as the person is going to sleep say hear a loud crash or bangs that sounds like a gunshot or an explosion well this doesn't hurt.

All caused any damage to the brain or a it can be a nasty shocks just as you're drifting off to sleep the really bizarre thing about this is that the cause know. How it happens in your body is known despite extensive research and if you're thinking well it's a good thing. I don't have it well don't get your hopes up too much as people tend to develop this after they hit 50 years old so unless you're used to be on explosion or to as you're sleeping then you better hope you don't develop exploding head syndrome.


While there are dozens of funny pictures of people sleepwalking around the web it's not always as funny as it seems every year 27 people die from sleepwalking in the US alone scientists have many theories as to why some people sleepwalk but no one really knows.

Why it becomes such a big problems that people now actually go to sleep walking clinic these helps them discover the psychological reason why they're sleepwalking and try to stop it in 2014 a 16 year old girl fell 50 feet to her death after she accidentally sleepwalked off the balcony of her parents apartment which is why many sleep walkers have to install locks on their doors and even windows to prevent them causing harm to themselves or others.

4.Sleep Sex

As you can probably guess by the name sleep 6 or 6 omnia is where a person will engage in sexual activities a wirelessly surprisingly this happens to over 9 percent of people it can occur if someone has just had sex with their partner or had it on their mind just before going to sleep what's odd is that when a person is engaging in sleep sex they act totally differently in terms of 6 as compared to

When they're normally having sex while awake till each sex has even been the cause of rape and alleged sexual assault in some scenarios mainly because people uncontrollably begin to engage in sex with whoever's in bed with them this normally only affects people over the age of 30 but it has also been known to occur in teens.

5.Grinding teeth

This may not sound that bad but it's an increasingly occurring issue some people engaged in something called bruxism wirelessly brought ism is excessively straining your jaw and clenching and grinding your teeth while you sleep you can stop yourself from grinding your teeth while you're awake but people who suffer from bruxism don't realize

They're grinding their teeth until the morning when they wake up and feel the pain this can cause the misaligned jaw and caused a lot of pain in the morning and some people even crack and gradually destroy their teeth despite thousands of people being affected by this little research has been done and as a result it's unknown as to why this occurs.

6.Rapid eye movement

When we're asleep our eyes a shot and still write well this can be further from the truth after about an hour of being asleep our eyes will begin to engage in something called REM or rapid eye movement this can last anywhere from half an hour to several hours during this time our eyes twitch and dodge back and forth very quickly obviously

We have no memory of doing this when we wake up but studies shows that REM could be one of the causes for our dream and unlike many other mysterious things on this list we do actually know why REM occurred there due to low amplitude mixed frequency brainwaves which are quite similar to the ones we experience awake.

7.Sleep Talking

We've heard a sleepwalking but how about sleep talking six percent of American adults talk in their sleep this can be a short mumble or a few random words or even a full conversation however the average sleep talk is about 40 seconds long one bad thing about sleep talking is that the person doing it has no control over what they say or reveal in 2014 a Colombian woman divorced her husband after he admitted to cheating in his sleep sleep talking usually happens within the first hour or two of your sleep and the reason why we do this is because sometimes when we go to sleep.
There's still enough muscle tone to produce sounds or movements and things you say can sometimes accompany your dream so if you record yourself sleep talking you'll be able to remember your dream.

8.Reoccurring Dreams

Have you ever had a particular dream over and over again well this is called a reoccurring dream which is the same dream that happens multiple times dreaming as a way for your brain to sort out things you've been thinking about and even sort out psychological issues but sometimes when we're constantly dwelling on something we can dream about.

It multiple times this is simply a way your brain processes the information is constantly thinking about however if you keep on having these dreams it means you haven't corrected the problem so if you're experiencing reoccurring dreams then you either need to deal with your problems all see a doctor and if you have reoccurring nightmares then this may mean that you've experienced a traumatic event and have PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder.


This is the most common dream that people have and statistically 90% of you will all have had this dream at some point in your life the dream can be very vivid and scary and usually lasts until just before you hit the floor and you often have no context as to how you go to such a height or how you came to be falling but what does this dream in mean well if you're dreaming you're falling a lot.

This means you believe or you have a lack of control this is very prominent to high-ranking professionals who are facing changes in their career without their control as can also occur in people who are in controlling relationships and feel trapped by their partner according to psychologists this means that you're positive as will likely overcome your issue.

10.Slows down your kidneys

Our kidneys are one of our most vital internal organs place all the toxins out of the blood and move them into your urine to keep you healthy and pretty much alive while sleep is generally seen as healthy one bad thing that sleep does is it slows down your kidneys because your kidneys filter and produce urine when you're asleep they've slowed down so not so much urine is being made.

Which is the reason why most people don't wake up to go to the bathroom at night and it's also the reason why your urine is so dark when you wake up because the kidney hasn't yet built did it and that just about wraps up this video check out the poll in the top right corner and you guys can vote the weirdest thing that happens in your sleep but as always thanks for watching it check out some more videos on screen right now leave a like if you enjoyed and if you haven't already what are you waiting for.

Thank you,


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